February 27, 2011

2/27-3/5 announcement

2/27/11 Agenda
1. Review text from lesson 10-13
2. Lesson 14 text, pinyin symbols and combination
3. Story - Lion and mouse (in Chinese)
4. Pinyin practice - (ㄊ,ㄖ, ㄏ, ㄎ, ㄍ, ㄉ, ) +ㄡ and make connections to  objects.
5. Character and craft - 耳

Homework - see folder
1. review lesson 14 + worksheets
2. review characters

Next class - 3/6/2011  Lesson 15


Jessie & Tungfen

February 25, 2011

成長二班表演 讓愛傳出去

Tzu Chi Indy children perform sign language during Tzu Chi New Year event on 2/13/2011.
They were wonderful!!!

If you want the original video clip of their performance, please e-mail tcedu.indy@gmail.com

February 24, 2011

成長二班update 2/20

這一課的生字會比較難 請小朋友多多練習
如果有時間 請練習 第七課的生字

新教的字 練習次數比較少 他們還是很生疏
下次上課 2/27 我會讓他們以比賽的方式 練習生字 語辭

請在家多多練習 比賽時 更會有成就感 (第六課 ,第七課 ,第八課前半)


February 20, 2011

2/20-2/26 announcement

2-20-11 Agenda
1. Review lesson 1-13 rhymes
2. Pinyin combinations from lesson 1-13
3. New character and craft - 心

Homework - check folder
1. Continue review lesson 1-13 (able to identify the objects, memorize the rhymes, and target pinyin  combinations)
2. Review new and learned characters

Next class - 2-27-11  Lesson 14


Jessie & Tungfen

February 14, 2011

2/13-2/19 announcement

2-13-11 Agenda
1. Review lesson 10-12
2. Lesson 13 - rhyme, symbols, combination sound and examples.  (For applications to real life, please use different food items to substitute with the fish.  We had practiced different food with your child's choice. )
3. Story - The rainbow fish by Marcus Pfister in Chinese.
4. Character and craft - 魚
5. Song - 魚兒水中游
6。Review all the characters learned - numbers 一~十, 人,口,日,月,早,山,木,水
Homework - check folder
1. Review lesson 13 and all the learned lessons.
2. Worksheets
3. Review characters
Next class - 2-20-11 Review lesson 10-13


Jessie & Tungfen

February 10, 2011

2/6 成長二班 update


2/6 上第七課 第二次
請小朋友在家多聽 CD , 2/13 上課時 我們會讓小朋友到外面 (大教室) 朗讀第七課故事給大家聽

2/13 下午 2:00 - 5:00 是慈濟新春祈福會
請所有小朋友裡面的長袖衣服 穿白色 + 深藍色褲子 + 布鞋 (請不要穿靴子 , no boots thanks)
1:30pm 前到會場集合 需要上台排練一次
會場 : McKenzie Career Center
          7250 E. 75th Street
          Indianapolis IN 46256

Thank you.
Grace 317-428-8962

February 06, 2011

2/6-2/12 announcement

2-6-11 Agenda
1. Lesson 12 pre-reading activity - Be a detective to "spy" for objects - see handout in the folder.
2. Lesson 12 text - read aloud and application - use 大偵探、大朋友、小朋友,etc. to substitute term "小偵探" in the text.
3. Lesson 12 pinyin symbols and combination - give examples to make connections to the sounds, 偵探、枕頭、地震、豬。
4. Story - three little pigs 三隻小豬。
5. character recognition and craft- 水
6. song - 魚兒魚兒水中游 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfJILY7Jtgw&feature=related

Homework - see folder
1. Read aloud lesson 12 and pinyin symbol worksheets
2. Review character and song

Next class: 2-13-11, Lesson 13
***Reminder *** 2/13/11 New Year's Celebration & Blessings at Mckenzie Career Center from 2:00-5:00pm.  Please come join us!

Jessie & Tungfen

February 01, 2011

1/30 成長二班 update

這次的考試, 有很明顯的進步, 小朋友也很有成就感,

這次上課 故事是中國春節 , 過年(年獸)的由來 .他們都很喜歡這個故事.

2/13 , Sunday 是慈濟新春祈福會, 二班的小菩薩 , 要上台表演 手語歌 - 讓愛傳出去
請家長與小朋友在家能先練習 , 若不能前來 請事先通知我, 謝謝 !

P.S. 請小朋友每次上課都要帶 鉛筆 橡皮擦


1/30-2/5 announcement

1/30/11 agenda:
1. Review 12 zodiac animals
2. Chinese zodiac animals racing story - please use the links below and discuss the story with your kid.
3. Craft for year of rabbit - a spring couplet to welcome the Chinese New Year. (Please ask you child how to greet for the Chinese New Year of rabbit.  If he/she forgot, please re-teach.  恭禧恭禧,兔年吉祥!)
4. Character 早and activity sheet.
Homework - check folder
1. Review lesson 1-11 and all the characters learned.
Next class 2/6/11 - lesson 12

Happy Chinese New Year! 

Jessie & Tungfen

Chinese Zodiac animal story
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv-JLcqoD5s&feature=related (part 1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWWeQn_FKIA&feature=related (part 2)