November 30, 2011

Semester end bowling party and lunch on 12/11/2011

Dear parents,

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  Time fly fast, our 1st semester almost close to the end by 2 more weeks.  
On the last day of our class, 12/11/2011, we will have a easy lunch @ Tzu-Chi office then move to Woodland bowling for our semester end bowling party. 

Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM lunch @ Tzu-Chi office
          2:00 PM - 4:00PM bowling party
Place: Woodland Bowling
3421 East 96th Street  Indianapolis, IN 46240
For the lunch:
You are welocme to bring some vegi dish or dessert to share.  We are going to order Pizza for you & your kids.
Please let me know, if you want to bring dish(es).  Then we can adjust the total Pizza that we are going to order. 

For the bowling party:
We reserved 7 lanes for our party.  We will form 6 teams that will combine our 3rd grader, 兒童成長大班, and Burmese school's kids(19). Each team will have 5 to 6 kids.  Also, there will be another lane open for 中班's students.  However, it is totally up to 中班's parents' decision to join us or not.  As my knowledge, the smallest bowling ball weights 6 lbs and the smallest size bowling shoes is Toddler 8.5.

We will need at least 8 volunteers to help us during the event.  All volunteers will wear volunteer vest or Tzu-chi's uniform for easy recognized.

6 volunteers for each team as team's coach, duty included but not limit to:
- help them to know each other.
- help them to borrow & return shoes
- sign in & out 
- assist your team member if he/she need to go to restroom.

1 volunteer will in-charge to record the total score and calculate the average(total scores/ players) for each team.  

1 volunteer will stay at main entrance of woodland to direct all the kids to our assigned lane in the beginning and assist kid during the game.
Please email to me if you could be one of the volunteer.

Later, we will send out the detail about the game and each team's members.

November 19, 2011

2011-11-20 成長大班update

週別/Week: 十五 日期Date : _2011_年 _11_月 _20__日, 下次點心: 胡澤廷12/04


本週進度 / What we did today:

• Lesson Eight: 搭船去看海,藍藍大海, 我最愛

• Pin Yin: ㄌ,ㄎ ,ㄢ

• Character: 車

• Humanity : 感恩 – 知恩,感恩,報恩. Activity: 奉茶給爸爸

• Story: Lend a helping hand


• Mon: 遊戲本 page -18.19 ; Tue: 寫字本: page 16. Page 17 divide into three parts, Wed, Thu and Friday.

• Character practice : 車 car

老師的話 Comments:

• Please practice the character we taught today車 (car)

• Next week 11/27 is Thanksgiving Holiday, no class. 下星期是感恩節 停課ㄧ次,下次上課 12/4

Thanks !

Grace and Jessie

2011-11-13 成長大班update

週別/Week: 十四 日期Date : _2011_年 _11_月 _13__日


本週進度 / What we did today:

• Lesson Seven: 搭飛機, 去旅行, 環遊世界, 沒問題

• Pin Yin: ㄐㄧ , ㄧ ㄝ

• Activity: fold a paper plane

• Character: 食

• Humanity : 感恩 – 說好話,存好心,長存感恩心. Activity: family tree

• Story: 帶斗笠的地藏菩薩


• Mon: 遊戲本 page -16.17 ; Tue: 寫字本: page 14. Page 15 divide into three parts, Wed, Thu and Friday.

• Character practice : 食 food, eat

老師的話 Comments:

• Please practice the character we taught today食 (food,eat)

• Next week 11/20, 我們讓小朋友奉茶給爸爸, 請爸爸在10:10到慈濟會所.

Jessie and Grace

November 17, 2011

大愛媽媽班 2011年11月13日 (第七堂課)


* 手指謠 Rhyme: 水果歌 Fruit song –
  香蕉香蕉像月亮 蓮霧蓮霧像鈴鐺  鳳梨鳳梨長頭髮 西瓜西瓜大嘴巴
* 人文課程Humanity : 感恩, 靜思語: 說好話 存好心 常存感恩心. 別人幫助我,感恩說謝謝
* 注音符號教學 Zhu Yin:
  - 奶奶, 奶奶牽妞妞 跳舞扭一扭
  - 花豹, 花豹不吃草 最愛快快跑
* Song:  Yoyo 打掃扭扭扭


1. 小康軒播種篇遊戲本 (p.14) (p.15)
2. 朗誦課文, CD
3. 人文作業: 2

注音符號教學Zhu Yin: 複習, 朗讀比賽
人文課程Humanity : 感恩

1. 下次朗讀比賽, 自選一篇教過的課文, 鑒於小朋友或許無法獨自唸完, 請媽媽一起上台表演, 可輪流唸或一起唸, 加點創意和道具有加分喔!!
2. 下次上課是本學期最後一堂課124.

本週大愛媽媽說故事: 余勁(舒凱的媽媽)
大愛媽媽說故事: 鳳宜 (凱倫的媽媽)
本週愛心家長: 鳳宜 (凱倫的媽媽)
下週愛心家長: Danny (恬恬的爸爸)