November 24, 2010

11/21-11/27 announcement

Dear Parents,

Agenda for 11/21
1. Review lesson 1-8 and pinyin symbols and combination.
2. Story: The wide-mouthed frog (Chinese edition).
3. Character learning activities with Teacher Jessie.
NO class next week - Thanksgiving Break.
Next class: 12/5 lesson 9
Last class for 2010: 12/12 - review lesson 1-9

There is no shortcut to learn any subject/skill including our heritage language.  The more time you involve the greater the chances are that your kids show interests and confidence about the language. I do not want you to spend long hours on the textbook or pinyin symbols but to provide language-rich environment for your kids.  You can sing, tell stories, read stories, chat, play, etc. together with your kids in Chinese.  (This is how we learn our language naturally.)  I have seen great progresses in some of our kids' learning and I believe that it is all parents' devotions.
For those who were not natives, there are ways to help kids at home.  You can use online resources or printed materials as tools to learn the language together.  The way you learn will inspire your kids.  Here are a couple of portals to expand the learning beyond the classroom:

If you have any idea to help our kids learn, please share with us.  Thank you for your continuous support and Happy Thanksgiving!!




只剩下兩次上課 這學期就結束了

小朋友學的字 越來越多 第一課 ~ 第三課的字 有些小朋友已經想不起來了
請家長幫忙複習 前面所學的字 我們每次上課 還是會測驗以前學的字

最後一次上課是 12/12 會有一次期末評量 ,範圍是 第一課到第五課
大家 加油囉



November 14, 2010


Dear parents,

Today's agenda:
1. Review lesson 7
2. Story - "Tall" by Jez Alborough (in Chinese and please ask your kid to summarize the story for you.  The key word is "Tall" in Chinese.)
3. Lesson 8 rhyme, phonetic symbols and combination. 
4. Tones practice - please help your kid to distinguish 4 tones.  For example: ㄎㄜ combination sound: ask your kid to give you  examples of ㄎㄜ(in four different tones).  We had practiced in class using objects.  You may want to ask your kids to draw objects that are related to the sounds. 
5. Character recognition- 生日(birthday)。Please use the art worksheet in the folder to work with your kid to learn the new characters.
6. Please bring the "Turkey" project back to the class next week.  Teacher Jessie has a special activity on 11/21.
Next week: Review Lesson 7 & 8 and all the phonetic symbols and combinations.

Thank you very much for continued support your child's learning.  Have a great week.



November 07, 2010

11/7-11/13 announcement

Dear parents,

Today's agenda:
1. Review Lesson 1-6. Most children can read aloud texts very well.
2. Lesson 7: 高師傅,賣年糕,吃了年年高
Children tasted 年糕 during snack time. Hopefully this helped them to connect the word they learned today.
3. Target symbols and combination.
4. Homework -
1) Read aloud lesson 7 text and review lesson 1-6.
2) Worksheets in your child's folder.  (Please help your child do the worksheets and return the folder next class.  Children who work on their worksheets will be given stickers for the folders. Tzu Chi volunteers will help children to work on workseehts during the snack time if assistance is needed.)
5.Humanity class: please help your child to write down anything your child is thankful for on the feathers of his/her turkey (art craft we did today). In the next humanity class, children will be asked to present their turkey and share the stories.
6.Next class: Nov.14. Lesson 8.


November 05, 2010




注 音 ㄊㄟ
課文內容 兔子跳一跳,抬腿踢踢腳。(取自小康軒撥種篇)


後來請孩子們輪流背頌上次的課程內容 (袋鼠去買蛋,帶著購物袋),幾乎每個孩子都能完成,老師覺得孩子們好棒!



November 04, 2010

Reminders: 日光節約時間 Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dear Parents,

# 提醒您: 日光節約時間這周日結束,所以會  "多" 一小時;原來的 10 am 變成 9 am。
# 還是敬請家長們將小菩薩們的祝福 (制服) 穿上 -- 白上衣 (裡面套上長袖保暖),藍色長褲子,白襪子。
# Please bring your kids to TC Indy at least 10 minutes before class starts.
# We follow Carmel schools calendar.
   Fall semester: 8/10 - 12/16/2010; Spring semester: 1/3 - 5/25/2011
# 請家長讓小菩薩們早餐吃得好,精神飽飽地來上課,會所有足夠的開水與環保杯。
# 請將小菩薩們的玩具留在家裡或車上。

November 02, 2010

成長二班 10/31 update

Dear Parents,

現在上到第四課 主題是 : 猜猜看
請和小朋友在家裡練習 這個主題
已經學過一些字 , 如 : 手+巴=把 , 女+馬=媽 , 言+兌=說,  西+女=要,  言+青 = 請, 人+門=們...

請小朋友準備一個故事 原諒別人
請說出 when, where, what, who, why and how


November 01, 2010

10/31-11/6 announcement

Dear Parents,

 Today we reviewed lesson 1-6 texts and phonetic symbols with combination.  Everybody did a great job by reading aloud the texts.  However, our kids still have a little difficulties in identifying the phonetic symbols occasionally.  Please use the review worksheet inside the folder to go over the objects and combination sounds.

Instructions: 1. Say the object in Chinese and ask your child to point out the object.  2. Read out loud the combination sounds with tones and ask your child to identify the combination sounds.  3. (Change roles) Let your child pretend to be the teacher and ask your child to test you.  He/she says the object and you point out the object for him/her.  4. Point out an object and ask your child to read a related text about the object.  There are many ways to review lessons.  Be creative and share with us please!

Next week 11/7: lesson 7.  (I will be absent on Nov. 7 and Teacher Jessie will be in charge of both sessions.) 

Thank you and have a nice week!
