January 23, 2011

1/23-1/29 announcement

Agenda 1-23-11
1. Review lesson 10-11 and pinyin combination with 4 tones.
2. Learn 12 Chinese Zodiac animals and a zodiac song.
3. Review characters (numbers 1-10 and 口, 日,月,木,山, 虎, etc.) and rhyme 山上有老虎。

Homework - check folder
1. Review 12 Chinese Zodiac animals worksheet and circle/color which animal sign does your child belong to.  Please use the zodiac wheel page to indicate your child's zodiac sign.
2. Worksheets for "pig" and "chicken".
3. Learn to sing zodiac song  - the chorus parts of the song.  Please use the following video to sing along.

Next class - 1-30-11
1. Chinese New Year activity

Thank you. 

Jessie & Tungfen

1/23 成長二班 update

今天上還是上第六課 ,是第三次上這一課了, 小朋友應該很熟悉才對,
可是看起來 他們還是有點生疏, 希望家長能和小朋友 每天都練習一點點, 學中文才會點點滴滴進步.....
今天的考卷, 下次上課會再考一次, 請多多練習.
希望下次, 每位小朋友都可以寫的很輕鬆.

一天只要花十分鐘練習中文 , 做作業 ,就可以進步一點點, 讓我們一起努力吧!

p.s. 每次上課請一定帶鉛筆 和 橡皮擦

另外 , 這次去緬甸家庭送禮物給小朋友, 二班的小朋友應該會覺得自己很幸福吧!
請和你的小孩討論他/ 她的心得


美姿 Grace

January 16, 2011

1/16-1/22 announcement

1-16-11 Agenda:

1. Review lesson 10
2. Lesson 11 - text, pinyin symbols, combination with 4 tones.
3. Make connections - learn about animals that like to play with water, such as ducks, hippos, fish, frogs, seals, swans, etc.
4. Story - Bamm Bamm's bath time.( from The Flintstones)
5. Characters - 七、八、口
6. Song - 小白鵝, ge-ge-ge, 口渴了,叫哥哥,肚子餓,叫哥哥, ge-ge-ge, ge-ge-ge。

Homework - review lesson 10-11, review characters, and worksheets in the folder.
Next week: 1-23-11 Review lesson 10-11.

Please show interests about what your child learned today by asking your child to teach you.  Teaching others is a great way to review.  Thank you for your continued support.

Jessie & Tungfen

1/16 update for 成長二班


今天小朋友上課 很踴躍的發言 只要講到相關的語辭 他們就可以造句子
**練習 '的'  & ' 得' 區別 --  我的 ,你的, 他的 ;    跳得高 , 跑得遠 ,吃得多,
**練習 '里' &  '裡' 區別 --一里, 兩里, 三里  ;  這裡, 哪裡 ,裡面
** 造句 : 從 .. 到...: 從家裡到慈濟... , 從以前到現在....

作業 : page 97 ~ 102

1/23 人文課 我們會帶二班的小朋友去拜訪新來的緬甸家庭 , 將這星期帶的禮物 送給他們
預計 12:30 才會 回到慈濟會所


美姿 Grace

January 15, 2011

1/9 updat

真是對不起 這星期由於弘翰發燒 加上公司比較忙 而無法準時 update上課進度

休息幾個星期後 小朋友的中文也休息 退步了不少
希望家長與小朋友在家裡時 仍要多多練習

1/16的人文課主題是仁愛 我門希望小菩薩們可以將家裡玩不到的玩具 捐給其他有需要的小朋友 所以請在  1/16上課時帶來

美姿 Grace

January 11, 2011

1/9-1/15 announcement

Dear Parents,

Wish you all have a great start to 2011 filled with happiness and health.
Agenda on Jan. 9:
1. Review lesson 1-9 and pinyin combination.
2. Lesson 10 - rhyme, target pinyin symbols and combination.
3. Make connections - rainbow colors - 7 colors in Chinese.
4. Story - Seven little lambs and a big bad wolf (七隻小羊和大野狼)
5. Characters - 山、虎
6. Rhyme - 一二三四五,山上有老虎,老虎有幾隻, 一二三四五。
Homework - review lesson 10, new characters, and worksheets in the folder.
Next class 1/16 - Lesson 11
Please set  routines to work alongside with your child and always encourage her/him for any progress.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Jessie & Tungfen

January 08, 2011


明天要上課嘍!  請各位家長和小朋友們準時到學校!
小小班的開課時間目前暫定2/20. 如有更動我們會再通知!