May 11, 2011

End of school year ceremony at office and picnic at West Park

Dear parents:
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to have your wonderful kid(s) for this school year.  We will have end of school year ceremony on office start at 11:00AM.
Also, we will have a picnic from 1:00 to 4:00PM at West park, corner of 116th street and Towne road.  We will prepare some finger food and drink but welcome to bring any food & drink to share.  The weather will not hot like today. Therefore, the water activity will not turn on but we should have a good time to just enjoy the friendship and nature.
Direction: West Park at Carmel
From Tzu-Chi office: take Keystone north then turn west on 116th st, you will find the West Park after the Towne road.
Or, take I-465 west then take exit on Michigan road north, take right turn on 116th st. you will find the West Park on your left hand side before the Towne road.
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 PM

Wei-Ming Sun

成長二班 notice

Dear parents,

As you may know, 5/15 is the last time for our Chinese Class. We will have a final test at 5/15, please have your kids to practice all the characters we've learned this year.
Each kid is assigned one lesson to read loud, please ask your child to practice at home. We are going to have performance at final class.

Thanks for this good opportunity to let me teach your kids this year, sincerely wish each kid will learn Chinese as far as they can.

Best regards,

May 10, 2011

5/8 announcement

5/8 Agenda
1. Review texts with pinyin.
2. Prepare for the reading aloud presentation.  Each kid chose a lesson to read aloud.  Please help your child to read aloud the text with fluency and expressive voice. We will also read  爸爸在哪裡together.
3. Story - Are you my mother? by P.D. Eastman.
4. Review Chinese numbers and number rhyme.

Homework - Review all the lessons and characters learned.  (Don't forget to review over the summer!)

Last class - 5/15 Children's presentation and end-of-semester ceremony.

It is a great honor and pleasure to spend every Sunday morning with your precious kid.  Although each kid has his/her own pace in the learning process, your devotions toward your child's learning make great differences.  You should be proud of yourself and your kid for the progress.  Please continue your support throughout the "long" journey of language learning.  It will be one of the great assets that your child will appreciate later in life.

We also want to thank many parents who volunteer in the class and at the school.  Without your continuous assistance, our class is not able to run smoothly.   感恩您的付出,謝謝您!

Thank you again,

Jessie and Tungfen

May 03, 2011

5/1 announcement

5/1 Agenda
1. Review pinyin song and rhyme
2. Read lesson 7-11 text with only pinyin.  (Please try to read the text from pinyin at home.  Your kid needs your assistance to sound out the pinyin.  It might be time consuming but it is very important to start recognizing the pinyin NOW.) 
3. Play unscramble the pinyin texts. (Your kid did a great job.)
4. Mother's day craft

1. Review all the lessons and characters.

Next class - 5/8
1. Review lesson 1-6,12, and prepare for the end of the semester presentations.
2. Mother's day activity - Please join us to celebrate.

Last class -  5/15 End of the semester presentations.


Jessie & Tungfen

May 01, 2011


The serving by kids was very touching. Kids were great.
大班與二班will be next - May 8, 2011.