October 17, 2010

10/17 -10/30 announcement

Dear Parents,

Today's agenda:
1. Review Lesson 5
2. Lesson 6: 旅行- 呂先生,騎驢子,到處去旅行。(Please ask your child to use their own words/experience to substitute the text.  We practiced in class to use different people's last name, different transportation, and a variety of places that your child had traveled.)  Make connections to your child's life makes learning more fun and meaningful.
3. Target symbols and combination.
4. Story - The missing donkey 少了一頭驢.  (You may want to ask your child about the story.)
5. Characters- 十月十日過生日。(Teacher Jessie would like everyone knows how to read aloud and recognize the target characters about date and birthday.)
6. Homework -
1) Read aloud lesson 6 text and review lesson 1-5.
2) Worksheets in your child's folder.  (Please help your child do the worksheets and return the folder next class.  Teacher Jessie will check the worksheets.  IF the worksheets didn't finish, your child needs to work on the worksheets during the "station time".
7.Next class: Oct. 31.  Review Lesson 1-6.  (No class next week, Fall Break!)

Thank you and have a wonderful and relaxed Fall Break!


1 comment:

  1. Dear 東芬老師 Jessie老師
    大班的課 聽起來很豐富
    非常謝謝你們的用心 來教導我們的小孩
    要開始訓練弘翰自己帶folder了 才不會匆匆忙忙 老是忘了他的東西 (my excuse..)

